Pages: 128
Binding: Softcover
Jesus Wasn't Killed by the Jews
By: Jon M. Sweeney
"For the last two thousand years, Christians have wondered about this question: Who killed Jesus? This new book is a tremendously helpful resource, drawing upon the work of some of the world's most learned experts, and will help you answer this essential question fully and finally."--James Martin, SJ, author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage
The Passion narratives contain painful anti-Semitic tropes particularly the Gospel of John, which is read world-wide every Holy Week. These readings have been used over the centuries to brand the Jewish people as Christ-killers and to justify discrimination and violence. Here, religious scholars and writers address the historical, theological, and exegetical considerations to be addressed by every Christian in order to move beyond this toxic history. Contributors include Walter Brueggemann, Mary Boys, Richard Lux, Wes Howard-Brook, Massimo Faggioli, Bishop Richard J. Sklba, Greg Garrett, Robert Ellsberg, and Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso.
Jon M. Sweeney, the publisher of Paraclete Press, is the author of more than thirty books, including The Complete Francis of Assisi and James Martin, SJ: In the Company of Jesus. He has also edited Phyllis Tickle: Essential Spiritual Writings and Ralph Waldo Emerson: Essential Spiritual Writings in the Orbis Modern Spiritual Masters Series. A Catholic married to a rabbi, he sits on the board of The Lux Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies in Milwaukee.