God's Quad: Small Faith Communities on Campus and Beyond | Orbis Books
God's Quad - Orbis Books


Pages: 256

Binding: softcover

God's Quad: Small Faith Communities on Campus and Beyond

By: Kevin Ahern and Christopher Derige Malano
  • $20.00


Contributors from five continents offer case studies of best practices and prac­tical tools for creating and maintaining Christian communities for young adults, both within and beyond academic settings. Re­ports from groups in East Africa, Europe, and India complement U.S. case studies including the Christian Life Community Program at Boston College, Catholic Relief Services Student Am­bassador program, and Leadership Labs at the University of Hawai‘i. With an extensive list of additional resources, including a Small Groups Field Guide from the Catholic Campus Min­istry Association, God’s Quad offers students, youth ministers, and campus organizers in­sights and inspiration in equal measure.

Kevin Ahern, a past-president of the Interna­tional Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS-Pax Romana), is an assistant professor of reli­gious studies at Manhattan College, where he directs the Peace Studies Program. He is author of Structures of Grace: Catholic Organizations Serving the Global Common Good (Orbis 2015) and editor of Visions of Hope: Emerging Theolo­gians and the Future of the Church.

Christopher Derige Malano worked with na­tional leaders of the university apostolate in over 30 countries as the secretary general of the International Movement of Catholic Students-Pax Romana. He is currently the pastoral administrator of the Newman Center at the University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa.



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