Pages: 160
Binding: softcover
Vincent van Gogh
By: Carol Berry
"Carol Berry has given us a spiritual biography of Vincent van Gogh, a valuable resource for understanding a life whose motto might be 'sorrowful, but always rejoicing' (2 Corinthians 6:10). We find here a wounded healer urging us to look closely at our world, see deeply the suffering and beauty there, and locate a source of compassion and mercy. This is a welcome addition to Orbis Books' 'Modern Spiritual Masters Series.' It is certainly a book to be treasured in these troubled times. "--Arthur J. Kubick, in Catholic Books Review
Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), perhaps the most beloved artist in the world, was motivated by a deep spiritual vision, first expressed in his ambition to become a missionary and minister, and later, after his decisive break with organized religion, through his art. In art he found a new way to express his solidarity and compassion for humanity, and to awaken people to the sacred depths of reality. Though virtually nobody in his own lifetime understood his intentions or appreciated his work, van Gogh poured out his convictions in letters to his brother Theo. Drawing largely on these letters, examples of his drawings, and her own reflections on the interplay between his life, his spiritual vision, and his art, Berry draws a moving portrait of van Gogh as a spiritual seeker and teacher for our time.
Carol Berry has degrees in art and psychology and art education. For many years she has lectured and led retreats based on the spiritual teaching of Henri Nouwen and van Gogh. She lives in Vermont.