Not Counting Women and Children | Orbis Books
Not Counting Women and Children - Orbis Books


Pages: 225

Binding: Softcover

Not Counting Women and Children

By: Megan McKenna
  • $22.00


In her first book, an acclaimed story-teller and scripture scholar turns to the overlooked and often unnamed people whose stories in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures reveal the depths of God’s love, especially for the poor. The Gospel of Mathew recounts the feeding of the crowd of five thousand, “not counting women and children.” McKenna muses that there could have been as many as five or six women and children for every man – an enormous number to go uncounted! Who were they? And what of the leftovers – who gathered them? who brought the twelve baskets that were filled? Who took them home?

As Not Counting Women and Children shows, when ordinary people studying the bible begin to discuss questions such as these, the results can be stunning and heart-changing.

Dr. Megan McKenna is an internationally known author, lecturer, and retreat leader. She received her doctorate from Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, and has taught at colleges and universities in Chicago, Dublin, Dayton, and San Antonio. Her many books include And Morning Came: Scriptures of the Resurrection, Prophets: Words of Fire, Parables: The Arrows of God, Rites of Justice, Leave Her Alone, On Your Mark and Not Counting Women and Children. She lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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