The Joy of Religious Pluralism | Orbis Books
The Joy of Religious Pluralism - Orbis Books


Pages: 248

Binding: softcover

The Joy of Religious Pluralism

By: Peter C. Phan
  • $35.00


"In this exceptionally fine work, Peter Phan answers his critics clearly, concisely and persuasively. He also provides one of the best descriptions of the amazing strength of Asian Christian theology-- especially in its attention to the triple dialogue-- with the poor, with other cultures, and with other religions." --David W. Tracy, University of Chicago

"Peter Phan here narrates his pilgrimage into worlds of religious pluralism, chronicles his struggles with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Doctrine, and offers his faithful witness and theological defense of his convictions, all with wit, joy, insight, and honesty. It is very important that we have his testimony for future generations, and for our own." --Bradford E. Hinze, Fordham University

"The book is erudite, serious, profound, exhaustive, fascinating, and humorous. It will stand as a fine exposition of the contemporary effort to articulate a theology that respects the salvific role of Jesus Christ, the Christian tradition, and the work of the Eternal Spirit among all the peoples of the world.... A short review cannot possibly do justice to this fine book. Urgently recommended for academic libraries and missionaries of all stripes, it should stimulate new levels of interreligious dialogue and, one hopes, more fruitful communication between bishops and theologians, missionary personnel, and laity." --Anthony J. Gittins, CSSp, in Catholic Library World

In 2005 Peter Phan received a notification from the Vatican identifying "errors and ambiguities" in his book, Being Religious Interreligiously. This set in motion a long train of correspondence, requiring Phan to answer various questions about the salvific role of Christ and the Church.

Here at last is his response a spirited affirmation of the methods of Asian theology, which, though rooted in the gospel and the deposit of faith, differ in many respects from the assumptions and categories of traditional European theology. In addition to introducing Asian theology, Phan addresses the specific topic of religious pluralism, a source not simply of challenge to Christian self-understanding and mission, but a potential source of joy.  An appendix includes his correspondence with church authorities.

Peter C. Phan, a native of Vietnam, immigrated to the U.S. in 1975. He obtained three doctorates from the Universitas Pontifica Salesiana in Rome and the University of London. He is currently Ignacio Ellacura Professor of Catholic Social Thought at Georgetown University. A former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, he is also a recipient of the Society's John Courtney Murray Award.

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