Pages: 320
Binding: softcover
Christian Mission, Contextual Theology, Prophetic Dialogue
By: Dale T. Irvin Peter C. Phan
While honoring Steve Bevans, SVD, a towering figure in the field of missiology and a longtime author of Orbis books on missiology, this book is designed as a textbook for classroom use. It is organized around the three main foci of Bevans’ theology: mission, contextual theologies, and dialogical theory.
Contributors are a who’s who of contemporary mission studies in global context and represent various Christian traditions throughout the global church.
Dale T. Irvin is president of New York Theological Seminary and professor of world Christianity. He is the co-author with Scott W. Sunquist of History of the World Christian Movement (Orbis 2001, 2012).
Peter C. Phan, a native of Vietnam, emigrated as a refugee to the U.S. in 1975. He is currently the Ignacio Ellacuría Professor of Catholic Social Thought at Georgetown University. His other Orbis books include The Joy of Religious Pluralism (2017) and Christianity with an Asian Face: Asian American Theology in the Making (2003).