Pages: 344
Binding: softcover
The Strength of Her Witness
By: Elizabeth A. Johnson
"An important text of telling. It richly reveals the necessity of women's voices in order for the Christian church to receive and know a holistic christology. Women of different cultural codes, religious traditions, and experiences are rightly positioned as revelators of the saving work of Jesus Christ. The Strength of Her Witness is instrumental to introductory and more advanced theological courses alike. It is a necessity for feminist theology courses of any kind, for this masterful text works to ensure that the church wrestles with the various expressions of itself." --Reading Religion (AAR)
"A remarkable and most helpful book.... It provides abundant food for thought for everybody who is willing to learn from and with women who Jesus Christ is for us today." --Mission Studies
"This book should be on the required reading lists of all courses in Christology, not only those in feminist theology. Contemporary Christological reflection is incomplete without the voices and insights of women scholars. This book provides them." --Grace & Truth
The Gospel of John recounts the story of an encounter between Jesus and a Samaritan woman at the well. After their conversation, she goes out to tell her neighbors about the mysterious stranger, and many of them believed “on the strength of her witness.” These essays, drawn from around the world, reveal the many ways that women have reflected on and borne witness to the person, teaching, and praxis of Jesus Christ in light of their own varied contexts. These contexts include their struggles for life amidst wrenching poverty, racism, and violence; their experience of being female in male-dominated structures in the church and society; and their commitment to promote justice in view of the human dignity of women, all done in tandem with their faith relationship with the living God.
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Elizabeth A. Johnson, a member of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, is Distinguished Professor of Theology at Fordham University. A former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, she is the author of many books, including She Who Is (winner of the Grawemeyer Award in Religion), Quest for the Living God, Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love, and Abounding in Kindness: Writings for the People of God.